
FREE MOVIE Spiritus : Science Fiction Animation | Sabrina Young Film

In this visually compelling animated sci-fi film by Buffalo filmmaker Sabrina Young, a neurotic janitor hitchhikers her way to the dying exoplanet Spiritus to escape the truth of her past in this visually stunning animated machinima film by award-winning Cuban American Director and Composer Sabrina Peña Young. Thrown into the Asylum by her parents after a violent incident, Eleora longs to join the SpaceX crew to journey to Spiritus. Captain Reginald Hunter, a loser playboy, will do anything to stop her from finding the mysterious Ancient alien seer who calls to her light-years away. Created using a combination of original watercolor paintings created by the director's 8-year-old daughter and video-game inspired machinima, and accompanied by Young's riveting electronica Stranger Things inspired soundtrack, Spiritus promises to take the audience to an unforgettable fantasy adventure. Nominated for Best Animation at the Buffalo Dreams Fantastic Film Festival 2019. Directed...

BUY SHEET MUSIC TODAY AT SHEET MUSIC PLUS - Download Best Classical Music Today

 BUY SHEET MUSIC TODAY AT SHEET MUSIC PLUS Download a wide variety of instrumental, choral, percussion, children, and piano sheet music at Sheet Music Plus from award-winning composer Sabrina Peña Young.  For all skill levels from children and beginners to adult learners and professional.  Teach your choir or ensemble these incredible works. Great in the classroom, university, and concert settings.  DOWNLOAD SHEET MUSIC NOW MUSIC FOR: Choir Flute Percussion Piano Strings Children's Opera Film Music Musical Theater Solo Ensemble Large Ensemble Piano and Vocal Trio Duet Pedagogy And More!

Buy Composer Boot Camp 101 Today at Amazon

BUY COMPOSER BOOT CAMP TODAY AT AMAZON.COM BUY Composer Boot Camp NOW WANT TO WRITE MUSIC? Composer Boot Camp is a series of 50 exercises for educators and beginning, intermediate, and advanced musicians who want to develop their skills in composition.  Composer Boot Camp 101 workbook is designed to help educators, students, and seasoned professionals to hone their compositional craft. There are a series of exercises, helpful tips, resources, and more to help the musician prepare a solid foundation in music composition developed by award-winning composer and music educator Sabrina Pena Young. Exercises are divided into four sections: BEGINNER LEVEL EXERCISES Appropriate for young students, adult learners, and those who do not yet read music. INTERMEDIA LEVEL EXERCISES Appropriate for high school students, music educators, college students, and musicians who want to learn how to write music. ADVANCED LEVEL EXERCISES For advanced college students, composers, music educato...

BUFFALO DREAMS FANTASTIC FILM FESTIVAL Animated Sci Fi Musical Showing TODAY in Buffalo New York 3:15pm EST at the Screening Room Cafe 3131 Sheridan Drive, Northtown Plaza Amherst, NY

BUFFALO DREAMS FANTASTIC FILM FESTIVAL Animated Sci Fi Musical Showing  TODAY in Buffalo New York 3:15pm EST at the Screening Room Cafe 3131 Sheridan Drive, Northtown Plaza Amherst, NY Libertaria The Virtual Opera At the Buffalo Dreams Fantastic Film Festival What the critics are saying about  Libertaria: The Virtual Opera : “One of my favorite things about this story is its odd apocalyptic tone and strong sci-fi/fantasy foundation. The dark quality that comes with it is the cherry on top.” – “...As a story, it is very much in line with the good-vs.-evil sci-fi tradition, with the added bonus of a plucky female heroine…There are a good many percussion effects in the  # opera , and its tone is primarily quite dark an d sinister, very much along the lines of a contemporary video game score .” Palm Beach Arts Paper Music Critic Greg Stepanic...

Contemporary Classical Composer Sabrina Pena Young Official Music Site, Filmmaker, Speaker, Writer: Only 3 Days Left! Get the Lowdown on Your Full Mus...

Contemporary Classical Composer Sabrina Pena Young Official Music Site, Filmmaker, Speaker, Writer: Only 3 Days Left! Get the Lowdown on Your Full Mus... : PHOTO CREDIT: Only 3 Days Left! Get the Lowdown on Your Full Music Xray Album Review from a Music Pro MUSIC PRO CONSULT AN...


STORE LIBERTARIA MOTION PICTURE SOUNDTRACK Epic  Sci-Fi  Cinematic Sound and Dramatic Heart Stopping Vocals collide in this long-awaited Virtual Opera Soundtrack!  Musical Theater  Madness and Electronica Mayhem with 21st Century Opera Insanity! Blow your mind into the next millennium! The Libertaria Soundtrack is a special edition double album set that includes the popular jazzy tune "Metal Ink", performed by indie rocker Matthew Meadows (aka Rango the Dog) and electronica guru  Perry R. Cook , and rousing epic symphonic scores like "Pilar of the Underground" and the  Trans-Siberian Orchestra -inspired "Rebellion". The heart-wrenching lullaby "Lonely Mother's Cry", performed by the talented Yvette Teel and Jennifer Hermansky, tugs at your heartstrings, and electronic space mashes like "Baby Machine" and "Medallion Girls" are truly out of this world! Round it off with the robotic dance tune "Broken" f...

About Sabrina Pena Young - Award-winning Composer and Music Futurist

ABOUT SABRINA PEÑA YOUNG CONTEMPORARY CLASSICAL EPIC SOUNDTRACKS COMMERCIAL MUSIC PERSONAL COMMISSIONS Works performed internationally at the Beijing Conservatory, the International Computer Music Conference, Miramax's Project Greenlight, the Athena Festival, the New York International Independent Film Festival, Art Basil Miami, Turkey's Cinema for Peace, Art Miami, and Pulsefield International Exhibition of Sound Art, the Holland Animation Film Festival, Australasian Computer Music Confetence, Buffalo's Women and Arts Festival, and countless venues worldwide. Contact Sabrina Peña Young for your next creative project, educational program, conference, or special event:   Young is the foremost expert on virtual opera production and online collaboration with the debut of her machinima opera  Libertaria: The Virtual Opera .  Libertaria  includes a live international cast and film crew, virtual choirs, sound synthesis, machinima, ...